

Life is only what you perceive it to be. When you open your eyes what’s the first thing on your mind? You. Your thoughts create the energy that shapes your day. Vibrations and sensations come running toward you at all types of directions. But it is the ones that you accept that follow you through. Life is only what you perceive it to be. Mind over body or body over mind. You see, the mind is an amazing place to be. Yet, it can be the depths of your greatest nightmare. Forcing you to second guess your every move through hindering thoughts of self doubt with a visual field that is too opaque to see the beauty that the day has to offer. Life is only what you perceive it to be. The vibrations of our emotions reflected upon our visual worlds. We project onto the world exactly what we see in ourselves. Envy, greed and lust. Or peace, harmony, and an open heart. The belief of total control begins with the death of fear. As fear is nothing but an invisible chain that prevents us from leaving our base grounds because one lacks the ability to grasp their subconscious mind. As life is only what you perceive it to be.

- ShaleyNicole


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