Time Management


Time Management

Your alarm clock goes off, you hit snooze and wake up thirty minutes late! Staying up late last night trying to catch up on your favorite episode or to finish studying for that anatomy exam may not have been the best choice because now, you’re behind on starting your day.

But what if you could’ve prevented all of this just by learning how to simply manage your time?
Well, you’ve come to the right place. I’m going to give you my personal top 5 tips on how to manage your time wisely.

1.) Plan Ahead
I live by this, I mean seriously, I do. Plan each day ahead in advance the night before to ensure that you have all of your tasks written out for the next day. Only do this day by day, if you do it week by week, depending on the tasks you have to complete, you may find yourself falling behind on the things you need to get done.

2.) Stick To Your Schedule
Honestly, just preach this to yourself. Once you put one task off to the side or even go over your time frame on a certain task, you may as well just throw the whole day away and start all over. Okay, maybe I’m being a little dramatic but you get the point. It’s easy to want to step out of the boundaries you so carefully planned out in your schedule, but stick to what you have planned. Even if one activity seems more appealing than the other, don’t spend more time on that task just to avoid another.

3.) Don’t get side tracked 
It’s so easy to do it especially with how big of an impact social media has on our lives today, but DONT DO IT! Put your phone down, on the charger or even turn it off for a couple of hours if that’s what will help you to stay focused. That goes for other distractions as well. Turn your television off or find a quiet place that you can get your work done efficiently.

4.) Time Yourself Wisely
When it comes to managing your time and planning ahead, always be sure to accurately time each event of your day. You don’t want to cram twenty tasks in your day with only one hour to complete each one. I mean, when would you actually sleep? Our bodies just simply aren’t built to function that way. Instead, be reasonable with yourself. If you know that some tasks don’t take as long as others, then give yourself less time to do that task rather than dragging your day along with it.

5.) Don’t Overflow Your Schedule
I know it may seem like you have a million things on your plate and you want to eat everything up at once, but some where halfway through your meal, you might find yourself getting too full to finish. Don’t do it. Its not worth it and it’ll only stress you out. Spread all of your tasks throughout the week,  or month even,  and you’ll find that your load will be a lot easier to take in.

Sticking to a consistent schedule is a great way to manage your time. You may even find yourself having more free time than may have thought you could have. Some days may seem more overwhelming than others, but with an efficient schedule, you’ll get through it!


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