Speak it into Existence

Set your goals high and never low. You are the only person who will determine whether your goals will come true or not. Speak it into existence. Don’t wait on somebody else to give you a hamd out when you have two hands of your own to build your dreams into a reality. Speak it into existence. Live in the moment and not in the past or future because what was is no longer changeable and what will be is left for the unknown until it becomes in the now. Speak it into existence. Beautiful liars will await you at every door you walk through once you begin to walk in a path that is different from the rest. But, do not be diceived by those who want to see you fail and never achieve your goals. Speak it into existence. You are a creation. A creation that is meant to create. And if your goals are what will allow you to create, then submitting to a society full of rules that have been man made and set forth for us to believe that, that  is what’s realistic, is not for you. You don’t have to submit to a set of rules that you’ve never made. Create your own. Speak it into existence. You are the potential that this world needs to prosper. So why not do it? But doing so, includes loving yourself and knowing who you are. If you don’t know who you are then it’ll become easy for somebody else to tell you so. But you must speak it into existence.



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