Budget Friendly Grocery List

How To Grocery Shop With Only $20 (Weekly)

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Many of us are trying to save our money so that we won't end up on a tight budget later on in life. I'm sure that many of us would skip out on buying food if we didn't need to eat to live. Unless, you live to eat. Either way, dining out frequently can seem inexpensive at first, but can quickly add up if you don't manage your spending. Here is a sample grocery list for anybody trying to eat on a budget!

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Don't skip out on breakfast! Yes, you may be in a rush if you're late or you just may not feel like actually fixing yourself something to eat; but, it's important for your body to receive fuel at the beginning of the day so that you can feel energized. 
  • Oatmeal $2 with bananas 
  • Eggs $1-2 with toast (bread $1-2) and sausage (frozen sausage $1)
  • Cereal $2.50 and milk $1 (for 1/2 gallon)

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Sandwiches are a quick and easy go to in which you don't have to actually cook anything. Unless, you like your sandwiches hot of course.

  • Peanut Butter ($2-$3) and Jelly ($2)
  • Cold cut sandwich: Lunch meat $3, cheese $2, and condiments of choice
  • Sides:
  • Chips $2-$2.50
  • Canned fruit .79-$1 per can
  • Canned Soup $1.50-$1.79 each
Oh, and don't forget that grilled cheese and canned soup is always a great fix when you're not sure what to eat. 

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Let's not forget the last meal of the day that should keep you full until you're ready to start your day all over again in the morning. These last two options are fairly easy to cook and should take no more than 30 minutes to make. 

  • Stir Fry with meat or veggies only: rice, ($1.50-$2) frozen vegetable stir-fry($1.80), meat of choice (optional)
  • Spaghetti ($.79), sauce ($1),  with meat (optional)


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