
When you’ve been riding the same wave for so long, sometimes things become repetitive. The current hasn’t changed, neither the weather, nor the scenery. Everywhere you look around you, you see nothing but water. No trees, no sand, no birds, not even a plane in the sky. When you first hopped on that wave you were kind of excited. Wow. “A change in my life. This wave is the one that’ll take me exactly where it is that I need to go and when I get there, everything will have finally settled into place.” But, not too long after riding that wave, you’ve been become lost and tired. Exhausted because you have yet to reach your destination and you’ve ran out of food to supply yourself with energy. So you find yourself stuck. Stuck on this wave with nothing. And you’re lost. And that destination you were so eager to reach, seems so far away. So what do you do? You lose hope. You lose faith. 

But before you completely lose all hope, you pull out your phone that’s been hanging on to 1% and miraculously achieve one bar; just enough to call for help. Somebody receives your call and comes to the rescue. They have this gigantic boat filled with the nutrients that you need to keep you going. You eat and you feel so much better. You have the energy to keep going, and what’s more, although they’re unable to take you to your destination, they can take you to the nearest shore and keep you supplied with enough food that’ll last you your journey.

Faith. One of the many great gifts there is to manifest amongst ourselves. Though faith can not be visibly seen, the things that come along with it can. 


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