Ways To Make Money

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How To Make Money (Without A Job)
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1.) Start a T-Shirt Business
In my opinion, you can never go wrong with starting up your own t-shirt line. Almost everybody owns some type of t-shirt or graphic tee so why not turn it into a business? You can come up with your own logo or just make basic tee's that majority would love to wear. Such as "Flawless" or Tupac or classic cartoons with a funny quote. There are many websites out there to help get you started or you can build from home.

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2.)  Sell Eyelashes
I see almost everyone doing this on social media. They have a link in their bio to their eyelash website. You can search whole sale eyelash companies online that are willing to help people like you make some extra cash.
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3.) Sell Your Blood Plasma
You don’t make big bucks for this, but it will put some extra cash into your pocket. You can donate your plasma twice a week and earn between $20-$50 each time you do it. Just be sure to eat a WELL BALANCED DIET before and after.

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4.) Sell Your Old Clothes
You can do this online using websites such as Poshmark or in store (which is the option that i like best) with stores such as Plato’s Closet, all you have to do is gather up your old clothes or shoes you no longer wear that are in season and earn cash for them.

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5.) Do other People’s Hair (male or female)
If you know how to cut, give trims, linings, fades, box broads, dye, deep condition, relaxer, sew-in, glue-in (quick weave), etc. then this option will work great for you. Offering to do other people’s hair (AT GOOD QUALITY) for a lower price than professionals will keep them coming back and they may also tell their friends and family about your service. The longer and better you do it, the more you can charge.

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6.) Sell snacks or brownies
If you’re in high school then this option will work best for you. You can stock up on supplies like chips, candy, cookies, etc. and sell them at a reasonable price to your fellow peers. You have to make more money than you spend, so it’s best to find a warehouse or try amazon even, for cheap products. As for the brownie part, I actually made decent money in high school myself for selling brownies around 50 cents to a dollar a piece. Everybody loved them.

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7.) Help Out
If you know a friend, neighbor, or family member in need, offer to help them out at a reasonable price. You could do tasks for them such as giving them a ride, grocery shopping, packing, cleaning, running their errands, etc. They’ll appreciate the help and you’ll appreciate their money.

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8.) Give Rides
I feel as though this option works best if you live on campus. A lot of big Universities and Colleges are located in the country, so “What’s an Uber? Or Lift?” to them? There may be a local cab driver but she/he may not always be available, charge too much, or can’t take you where you need to go. If you have extra time in between classes or on weekends, then this is a great option for you. You can drive students around campus, after hours from parties, to the grocery store, from the train station or airport, or even to the city if they stay near by you during school holidays and breaks.
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9.) Babysit
You can babysit your family members kids, local neighbor, or use websites such as Care.com. People are willing to pay roughly minimum wage just for a babysitter. It can actually serve you as a full or part-time job.

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10.) Rent Out Your Space
If you have an extra room or won’t be in town for a while, you can make big bucks using Airbnb to rent out your home or bedroom. Always be sure to check the terms and conditions before hand and keep it tidy and be a good host so that guests can refer you and leave good feedback.


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