Have You Ever

You ever just have one of those days 
A day where you just want to be left alone 
A day when a hug does no justice
And venting only causes more problems
The hole that you feel is not sealed, but only convered temporarily just to please society
You ever have one of those days where it feels like the whole world is against you
A day when you ask yourself “why me?”
You try to be nice and lend a helping hand only to get ignored 
You give your all to somebody who can only remember the bad 
You keep quiet just to keep the peace
Well have you? 
Have you had one of those days?
It’s easy to put on a show for the world, but you know how well of an actor you are
A voice that speaks amongst the sun, yet hides behind the clouds
A listening ear has a wondering mouth 
But paper can not fly unless you allow it to 
Sometimes a written story is better than a verbal one
Those tend to turn into folk tales..

So when it rains heavily on a sunny day
don’t forget about the one being who will  always have your back



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