Today Is a Great Day

Today is a great day. I know it because I can feel it in my heart. You might try to drag me down with your words and trip me with your envy, but today will be a great day. Despite what affect you may THINK that you have upon me, you will always lose. There was never any battle, nor will there be no war because only I can determine my rise and my fall. Yet, you sit there thinking the all mighty power lies within your hands. Today is a great day because when I woke up this morning, I couldn’t find my slipper but rather, I found fifteen dollars in the back pocket of an old pair of jeans. Today is a great day because when I went downstairs to make myself a bowl of cereal to only realize that there was no milk, I made myself a bowl of oatmeal instead. Today is a great day because when I looked inside that mirror this morning, I smiled. I liked what I had seen. Somebody great walking amongst the mist of them all.

However, today wasn’t such a great day for you. You woke up this morning with only one person on your mind, and that was me. You didn’t find fifteen dollars this morning. Instead, you found pure envy. Enough envy that you anticipated on using to trip me up. Belittle me even. Weaken me. Yet you failed. Today you did not have such a great day and it showed upon your face. Your energy doesn’t affect me because I don’t allow it to.

Today I had a great day because once again, I had won. No mental or physical battle has been fought and yet somehow, I still found a way to win. Pure evil can not survive without the supplements of fear.

Throughout your life you will come across those “friends”, “family”, and even people whom you’ve never met before who will try their very best to see you fall. When you think that they are laughing with you, they are laughing at you. When you think that they are picking you up, they have their foot stuck out ready to trip you.  Your failure is their biggest achievement. It serves them gratitude. But no matter the case, you have to show them no mind and create no supplement for their energy to grow greater than yours.

Today will be a great day.



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