
You have no classes, it’s your off day, and you finally have free time to do the things that you’ve been pushing off to the side during the week. But something’s wrong. You’re missing something and you can’t quite figure it out so you grab a quick snack and crawl right back into the bed. Motivation. I have 5 tips for you to get motivated to get your day started.

1.) Eat a healthy breakfast
Yes. Eating a healthy breakfast actually does do your body some justice. Fruit, carbohydrates, and a little protein can go a long way in getting your body energized to start its day.

2.) Do a little exercise
Some of you may skip this step, I know I have plenty of times, but that’s okay! You don’t have to do a full blown Track work out to feel motived at all. 25 push-ups, a 10 minute jog, 100 sit-ups, etc. can all be something you can do that won’t even take 15 minutes out of your day.

3.) Back to my time management post..make a list of everything you need to get done
Let’s say you eat a nice healthy breakfast, but now you’re stuck because it feels like you have so much left on your plate to finish. Make a list! List everything that you’ve been brushing off and pick out the ones that are most important to complete first.

4.) Clean Up
Nothing gets me motivated more than cleaning up my room and spraying Febreeze all over the place. You’ll leave the house feeling accomplished just by simply straightening up a bit.

5.) Music
Listen to some music while you do your morning routine. Not Adele or Drake’s Marvins Room, but actual happy music that will make your energy go from a level 1 to a 10!

6.) Get out there and do it!
Nobody’s stopping you but YOU. By the time you get to the end of your, list you may find that you have more time to relax and watch your favorite show than you thought.


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