Stepping Stones

Every point of your life is a stepping stone and every stepping stone is created differently. They’re like snow flakes. No two stepping stones are alike. Sometimes you will have the ability to climb two at time, while other may find yourself falling three steps back. No matter the case, you have to keep pushing. There’s something at the top awaiting for you so unimaginable that your mind itself can not depict it in your dreams. A beauty that awaits you in spirit that can only be deemed imaginable once felt.

And not everybody’s stepping stone is the same. If you wander off onto someone else’s you will find yourself stuck, lost and confused. You can not do what somebody else is doing in the way that they’re doing it, but you CAN do what they’re doing in the way the only YOU can do it. That’s what stepping stones are meant to do. Prepare you for what is awaiting you at the top. And if you give up halfway..they won’t just deteriorate. They’ll get old and lose their lust. The same way people lose hope and allow their dreams to just be simply as such..dreams. Never give up hope because there IS something awaiting you. You may get pushed back but remember that the ultimate force is going to pull you to the top to your fullest potential. 



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