The New Year

Let’s give it up! A huge round of applause. I know some people couldn’t be here today to celebrate, but you made it to see another year. The year before has been and stressful full of many hardships but you made it through! So why not celebrate the beginnings of something new and something fresh? What will the New Year bring you? Only what you allow it to give. If you step into the new year holding on to negative energy of the past, then how can you expect to receive nothing but positive vibes? Rather, waltz into the  New Year like it’s a mere stepping stone to the journey you are about to take on. Only then will you receive nothing but the best. Everyday, in fact, is what YOU make it. No matter how good or bad it is, the only thing that truly matters is how you decide to interpret it.

We all hold the ability to alter the energy that affects our lives no matter how long the wavelengths are. One simple word spoken to somebody else, one simple action of motivation, one little “no”, can all  make a huge difference upon our lives. When you live everyday as if it is your last,  you are guaranteed to live to your greatest potential. No matter the Year. So don’t step into the gym for a week because you are motivated about the New Year;  rather, step into the gym for months on end because YOU have actual motivation to seek out your goal. You can not change anything with the New Year if you lack the motivation to do so.

This is ALL ABOUT YOU. Nobody else! Energy is power.



  1. Thad’s deep right there 💯. I’m looking forward to 2018, new goals, fresh start, everything.

  2. Just stick to whatever plan you have set out for yourself and everything will follow


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