How to save money

How To Save Money

1.)  Don’t Blow Through It
Don’t spend no more than half of your paycheck every week or two weeks (depending on how much you get paid). If you’re like me, then you have a part-time job and may even been in school as well. It’s easy to want to spend your check in just two days when you barely have enough money in your account to get that 4 for $4 from Wendy’s. But, saving half of your check every week is a great way to keep money in your account without ever having to feel broke.

2.) Keep Track of All Your Spendings
Another thing that I like to do is to write down every thing I’ve spent during the week and plan on spending for the next week after my pay check. If you drive, then you want to count  gas as one of your expenses, as well as any bills you have to pay for. This will help prevent you from spending unnecessary money when you keep track of everything. Speaking of bills, that brings me to my next tip.

3.) Bills, Bills, Bills
You should come up with a good estimate of your monthly bills, if you haven’t done so already. Make it your habit because doing so will save you the mighty pressure of stress. For example, if all your monthly bills round up $1500 divide that number by 4 (or the number of weeks within that month until your next due date). That’s how much money you should set aside from every check weekly/biweekly. Once that money is put aside, you can then account for others important expenses.

4.) Every $5 Bill
Save it! Every time you come acoss a $5 bill in your wallet put in a jar somewhere. Your mattress, underwear drawer, glove compartment, cabinet, secret hiding spot, wherever. Just put it somewhere safe that you’ll remember! But of your arms reach. You might be tempted to dip into your $5 jar but it’ll add up fast so they wait will be worth it.

5.)  Sit Down, Be Humble
You don’t need to go out every other day or every week and your most definitely don’t need to eat out that often. It’s bad for your health anyways. Home cooked meals are much less expensive and healthier than dining out. As for your friends? They’ll be okay. You can always invite them over for a night of fun that can cost you $0.00


  1. Man I need to see this. Because for some reason everything I spent money on fast food I be hurting lol. But for the most I’m doing goid at not spending much. The only thing is that I laid my people some money and sometimes I feel like all that money I saved up just went down

  2. You can’t always lend out money to people even if you got it. The best way to keep money in your pocket is to pretend like you don’t have it.


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