
Bonds are broken. Trust has faded. The keys to the heart have been returned to its rightful owner. But yet there’s something that will forever remain the same. The memories. Both the good and the bad. That time you go so drunk and you needed somebody to walk you home. That time you got so angry and they were the only person around who could calm you down. And they did. The funny part isn’t the fact that you knew it was too good to be true, it’s the fact of how it all ended. Everything happens for a reason and the universe doesn’t lie. Sometimes it’s better to keep the memories rather than the individual themselves.

As time goes on, so will you. Time waits for no man as it is forever in motion. So you shouldn’t wait for anybody. Take the memories that you have. Whether you cherish them because they were some of the best moments of your life or because they taught you a valuable lesson, it doesn’t matter. But never dwell on the past. It’s only chains holding you from your continuation with time. Flowers will still blossom and the birds will continue to sing; and you deserve to continue living your life.



  1. Wow I loved this, so powerful and, it will be one of my good memories! @fredbrownphoto


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