
Showing posts from December, 2017

The New Year

Let’s give it up! A huge round of applause. I know some people couldn’t be here today to celebrate, but you made it to see another year. The year before has been and stressful full of many hardships but you made it through! So why not celebrate the beginnings of something new and something fresh? What will the New Year bring you? Only what you allow it to give. If you step into the new year holding on to negative energy of the past, then how can you expect to receive nothing but positive vibes? Rather, waltz into the  New Year like it’s a mere stepping stone to the journey you are about to take on. Only then will you receive nothing but the best. Everyday, in fact, is what YOU make it. No matter how good or bad it is, the only thing that truly matters is how you decide to interpret it. We all hold the ability to alter the energy that affects our lives no matter how long the wavelengths are. One simple word spoken to somebody else, one simple action of motivation, one little “no”,


Bonds are broken. Trust has faded. The keys to the heart have been returned to its rightful owner. But yet there’s something that will forever remain the same. The memories. Both the good and the bad. That time you go so drunk and you needed somebody to walk you home. That time you got so angry and they were the only person around who could calm you down. And they did. The funny part isn’t the fact that you knew it was too good to be true, it’s the fact of how it all ended. Everything happens for a reason and the universe doesn’t lie. Sometimes it’s better to keep the memories rather than the individual themselves. As time goes on, so will you. Time waits for no man as it is forever in motion. So you shouldn’t wait for anybody. Take the memories that you have. Whether you cherish them because they were some of the best moments of your life or because they taught you a valuable lesson, it doesn’t matter. But never dwell on the past. It’s only chains holding you from your continuation

How to save money

How To Save Money 1.)   Don’t Blow Through It Don’t spend no more than half of your paycheck every week or two weeks (depending on how much you get paid). If you’re like me, then you have a part-time job and may even been in school as well. It’s easy to want to spend your check in just two days when you barely have enough money in your account to get that 4 for $4 from Wendy’s. But, saving half of your check every week is a great way to keep money in your account without ever having to feel broke. 2.) Keep Track of All Your Spendings Another thing that I like to do is to write down every thing I’ve spent during the week and plan on spending for the next week after my pay check. If you drive, then you want to count  gas as one of your expenses, as well as any bills you have to pay for. This will help prevent you from spending unnecessary money when you keep track of everything. Speaking of bills, that brings me to my next tip. 3.) Bills, Bills, Bills You should co

Speak it into Existence

Set your goals high and never low. You are the only person who will determine whether your goals will come true or not. Speak it into existence. Don’t wait on somebody else to give you a hamd out when you have two hands of your own to build your dreams into a reality. Speak it into existence. Live in the moment and not in the past or future because what was is no longer changeable and what will be is left for the unknown until it becomes in the now. Speak it into existence. Beautiful liars will await you at every door you walk through once you begin to walk in a path that is different from the rest. But, do not be diceived by those who want to see you fail and never achieve your goals. Speak it into existence. You are a creation. A creation that is meant to create. And if your goals are what will allow you to create, then submitting to a society full of rules that have been man made and set forth for us to believe that, that  is what’s realistic, is not for you. You don’t have to submi