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How To Stick To Your Goals

How To Stick To Your Goals Everyone, well practically majority of people, have a new set of goals that they want to accomplish or goals that they have yet to accomplish. Now personally, each year, I write out my goals that I would like to accomplish within that particular year. At the end of that year, I check off the goals I have accomplished and move the goals that I have yet to accomplish into the next year. So, how can you do it? 1. Physically write out your goals How can you accomplish something that you can't even remember you wanted to accomplish. No matter how big or small, you should write your goals out. 2. Be realistic, but not simplistic For example... Say you want to do some traveling, but your finances go to so many other aspects of your life. Instead of trying to book five trips out the country (that you'll never end up doing because of your financial situation) book one place out the country and maybe another within your country. 3. DON'T


  Life   Life is only what you perceive it to be. When you open your eyes what’s the first thing on your mind? You. Your thoughts create the energy that shapes your day. Vibrations and sensations come running toward you at all types of directions. But it is the ones that you accept that follow you through. Life is only what you perceive it to be. Mind over body or body over mind. You see, the mind is an amazing place to be. Yet, it can be the depths of your greatest nightmare. Forcing you to second guess your every move through hindering thoughts of self doubt with a visual field that is too opaque to see the beauty that the day has to offer. Life is only what you perceive it to be. The vibrations of our emotions reflected upon our visual worlds. We project onto the world exactly what we see in ourselves. Envy, greed and lust. Or peace, harmony, and an open heart. The belief of total control begins with the death of fear. As fear is nothing but an invisible chain that prevents us from



How To Revive Deep Wave Hair


Last Minute Mother’s Day Gifts

Last Minute Mother’s Day Gifts (Little To No Money !) We’ve all been there. Clearly I have since I am writing this the day before Mother’s Day. If you’re like me, a procrastinator or you’ve simply ran out of ideas, here’s a list of Mother’s Day gifts for when you are pressed for time and have little to no money.                  1. Flowers and A Card This one is very simple and shouldn’t cost more than $10 depending on the flowers that you get (though usually I go to Jewel Osco to grab flowers). If you don’t have any money at all, you can always make a homemade card and origami flowers. 2. Homemade Body Scrub This one can typically be made with household items. Though you may need to run to your local Dollar Tree or local store to find a mason jar and decorations. The great thing about these is that you can customize them depending on the long term results you’re looking for.  3. Clean Up or Car Wash Cleaning up costs $0

Dear Future Self

Dear future self, I walked in your shadows to see how far you’ve come I climb a ladder to watch above and beyond you  I was always left in the dark so that you could shine in the light  Even if it rained you always had shelter No matter the case, I’m still sitting here I can not change...but you can  I’ve seen you turn left when I thought we were turning right  I’ve seen doors open that were never open before I’ve seen you fall, but had a hand to catch you..  Pick you up before you’d never get up  You tuck me in the back of your mind but I’ll always be with you  It’s one thing to please another but it’s another to please yourself Sincerely,  Your past  -ShaleyNicole 

Black History Month

Hair like the trees and skin like butter. Honey, golden, and bronzed...we are sister and brother. Our trade names differ, but our eyes remain the same. Step into my window of a soul that is bitter and in pain. Black on white or white on black..but it’s not really the same. There's color to this world and thus the world is not color blind. "I do not see color”, but yet you stare as I walk by. Head high with my shoulders back. Swift in every movement, never missing a beat. Children playing up and down the streets. Machines that shoot copper and steel but can't shake the system. What is this new tune? You've must’ve broken our rhythm. Taken from the rich golden grounds to deep across the blue. Chained and whipped if only these children knew. There is no honor and there is no pride, because all you see is black and white. So far away from way home that we had to disconnect. We look at each other with no remorse nor respect. Hair like the trees and skin like butter. Hone