
Showing posts from January, 2018


Sometimes in life, we have to face the realization that we may not always get what we want. And sometimes it’s hard to face that realization when we keep the fire going within in ourselves. Faith. Faith is what can sometimes lead us to disappointment when we see others having the things that we want, and fail to realize we may not obtain what somebody else may be receiving. Just because they have it, does not mean it mustn’t be meant for you. And just because it’s in their grasp does not mean they’re treating it well or are living in the best of circumstances with it.   What we also fail to realize, is that sometimes the things that we want are not the things that may be best for us. Or simply, it’s meant to come at a later point in our lives. But what about faith? It’s still there. It is okay to have faith and belief. Belief that true manifestation is what you’re soon to be destined for; but don’t get caught up in the idea of the physical sense for need as it can extract all of y


You have no classes, it’s your off day, and you finally have free time to do the things that you’ve been pushing off to the side during the week. But something’s wrong. You’re missing something and you can’t quite figure it out so you grab a quick snack and crawl right back into the bed. Motivation. I have 5 tips for you to get motivated to get your day started. 1.) Eat a healthy breakfast Yes. Eating a healthy breakfast actually does do your body some justice. Fruit, carbohydrates, and a little protein can go a long way in getting your body energized to start its day. 2.) Do a little exercise Some of you may skip this step, I know I have plenty of times, but that’s okay! You don’t have to do a full blown Track work out to feel motived at all. 25 push-ups, a 10 minute jog, 100 sit-ups, etc. can all be something you can do that won’t even take 15 minutes out of your day. 3.) Back to my time management post..make a list of everything you need to get done Let’s

Stepping Stones

Every point of your life is a stepping stone and every stepping stone is created differently. They’re like snow flakes. No two stepping stones are alike. Sometimes you will have the ability to climb two at time, while other may find yourself falling three steps back. No matter the case, you have to keep pushing. There’s something at the top awaiting for you so unimaginable that your mind itself can not depict it in your dreams. A beauty that awaits you in spirit that can only be deemed imaginable once felt. And not everybody’s stepping stone is the same. If you wander off onto someone else’s you will find yourself stuck, lost and confused. You can not do what somebody else is doing in the way that they’re doing it, but you CAN do what they’re doing in the way the only YOU can do it. That’s what stepping stones are meant to do. Prepare you for what is awaiting you at the top. And if you give up halfway..they won’t just deteriorate. They’ll get old and lose their lust. T