
Showing posts from December, 2018

How To Stick To Your Goals

How To Stick To Your Goals Everyone, well practically majority of people, have a new set of goals that they want to accomplish or goals that they have yet to accomplish. Now personally, each year, I write out my goals that I would like to accomplish within that particular year. At the end of that year, I check off the goals I have accomplished and move the goals that I have yet to accomplish into the next year. So, how can you do it? 1. Physically write out your goals How can you accomplish something that you can't even remember you wanted to accomplish. No matter how big or small, you should write your goals out. 2. Be realistic, but not simplistic For example... Say you want to do some traveling, but your finances go to so many other aspects of your life. Instead of trying to book five trips out the country (that you'll never end up doing because of your financial situation) book one place out the country and maybe another within your country. 3. DON'T