
Showing posts from March, 2018

Big Dreamer

Do you ever dream? I mean, really dream? Not like the kind of dreams that you have when you lay in bed at night, but the kind where you’re at work or in class drifting off into space. No, not the Milky Way Galaxy type of space. Rather, your own space of deep thoughts filled with your seemingly unrealistic dreams. Did you know that almost every single person on this planet has those kind of dreams? I mean, not yours in particular but, they have them. I have them. YOU have them. Some people dream about the things they often feel as though they can not have; while others, they’re different. You wanna know why? They’re different because they are the go getters. The readers. The big thinkers. They dream to achieve. And you know what else? YOU can be one of them. All it takes is for one person to actually go after their ambition to make a difference in this world. You may not actually achieve the dream that you want, but you have the ability to inspire somebody to do something bigger than r


How To Spend the Day Alone and Unwind 1.) Candles I honestly love the smell of candles and most find them quite relaxing. Turning off the lights to lie back in your bed or couch or.. wherever you are and enjoying the aromas of a candle can be very soothing to the mind. 2.) Favorite music Whether you’re blasting your music through speakers, having your own mini concert in your bathroom, or putting your ear buds in to unwind, music is also another great way to spend the day with yourself. You can actually listen to the lyrics and get a better feel to what messages the artist what’s to relate to you. 3.) Binge watch movies/tv series This tip is my favorite because I’m a sucker for romance movies. I can watch them all day or binge watch Stranger Things while eating food in bed all day. 4.) Do not disturb That’s right! A lot of people are glued to their phones. I mean how can you possibly unwind if you’re still glued to your phone, checking your notifications and