
Showing posts from November, 2017

The Storm

Everybody hits rock bottom at some point in life. It’s that point where you feel so low that you don’t care about the next thing that comes your way because you’re too broken about the storm that has already been hovering over you. It’s where you don’t have the energy to be yourself anymore. It’s when you let the storm ride off with a piece of who you are. Your sense of self. But, it’s not about the storm. Or how broken you may have thought you’ve become. Or that piece of you that you may think you’ll never get back. It’s about uprising yourself to levels you have never reached before. It’s about chasing after that storm, making it wish it would chosen a piece off of somebody else. Once a storm blows over, the sun will continue to shine. The stars and the moon will align together and illuminate the night sky.  And as time goes on, all the damage will eventually be restored to its original structure. You have the power to restore yourself. Not only back to the way you were, but up

Time Management

                                                              Time Management Your alarm clock goes off, you hit snooze and wake up thirty minutes late! Staying up late last night trying to catch up on your favorite episode or to finish studying for that anatomy exam may not have been the best choice because now, you’re behind on starting your day. But what if you could’ve prevented all of this just by learning how to simply manage your time? Well, you’ve come to the right place. I’m going to give you my personal top 5 tips on how to manage your time wisely. 1.) Plan Ahead I live by this, I mean seriously, I do. Plan each day ahead in advance the night before to ensure that you have all of your tasks written out for the next day. Only do this day by day, if you do it week by week, depending on the tasks you have to complete, you may find yourself falling behind on the things you need to get done. 2.) Stick To Your Schedule Honestly, just preach this to yourself

Lost Love

Losing the love of your life isn’t the end of the world, but that’s not how it always feels like. Sometimes it may even feel like you’ve lost your best friend or even your better half. No matter the case though, you can’t let that hold you back from living your life and appreciating the world that you were brought into. Love will come again, but only when you allow it to. Until then, live your life to the fullest extent and create journeys that will be encrypted in your mind for a lifetime.  -shaleynicole