
Showing posts from November, 2018


Five letters that fulfill one word, but describe an array of emotion. The clouds of the heavens and the storms of the earth arise to give hue to this damage that can not replace what is lost. You can scream as loud as you want but nobody can hear you..and the one who can shuts you out as if your voice was nothing but a false cry for help. Being swallowed whole in nothingness as you bear down the weight of your troubles. The lies..the many lies; you hear them in repetition like a broken record player in a world that sings off note, but begins to sound harmonious. Five letters that makes the salt water run down your face. Emotions begin to erupt like a volcano and you no longer feel in control. The only thing that seems to stay stable is time and he waits for no man. So you watch the hands go around as you stay glued to a mentally that is frozen in a place which bears no home to your vacant heart. Five letters that would shift the earth in its orbit within a place so magnificent of c